Find out when Windows was locked and unlocked using the System Event Log

Sometimes you may need to to find out when the machine was locked and unlocked (for time booking for instance). Unfortunately, there is no such a thing as lock/unlock Windows events. When the user locks or unlocks the workstation a special Logon or Logoff event is created in the Windows Events Log with Logon Type = 7.

To filter all such events, you have to:

  1. Open the Windows Event Viewer
  2. On the left tree bar select Windows Logs > Security
  3. On the right bar click on “Filter Current Log…”
  4. Select the XML tab and click on “Edit query manually”
  5. Enter the below query:
  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">
     (System[(EventID='4634')] or System[(EventID='4624')])


For a full list of all available logon types, please refer to the table below:


Logon type Logon title Description
2 Interactive A user logged on to this computer.
3 Network A user or computer logged on to this computer from the network.
4 Batch Batch logon type is used by batch servers, where processes may be executing on behalf of a user without their direct intervention.
5 Service A service was started by the Service Control Manager.
7 Unlock This workstation was unlocked.
8 NetworkCleartext A user logged on to this computer from the network. The user’s password was passed to the authentication package in its unhashed form. The built-in authentication packages all hash credentials before sending them across the network. The credentials do not traverse the network in plaintext (also called cleartext).
9 NewCredentials A caller cloned its current token and specified new credentials for outbound connections. The new logon session has the same local identity, but uses different credentials for other network connections.
10 RemoteInteractive A user logged on to this computer remotely using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop.
11 CachedInteractive A user logged on to this computer with network credentials that were stored locally on the computer. The domain controller was not contacted to verify the credentials.

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