libwebp.dll binaries for Windows download missing

I don’t really understand why, but Google webp project doesn’t provide the compiled libwebp.dll files to download. It has only the precompiled utilities. If you just need the dlls, feel free to grab them from here:


If you want to compile them yourself using Visual Studio please follow the below step-by-step guide:


  1. Download the desired version. Example:
  2. Unzip it to somewhere in your machine (e.g.: c:\Temp\libwebp-0.6.0)

Compile libwebp.dll for in 32 bits (x86)

  1. In the Programs menu, open All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio (version) | Visual Studio Tools | VS(version) x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
  2. In the command prompt, go to the folder where you unzipped the files (e.g.: cd c:\Temp\libwebp-0.6.0)
  3. Type nmake /f CFG=release-dynamic RTLIBCFG=dynamic OBJDIR=output
  4. VoilĂ : The file will be compiled under <your folder>\output\release-dynamic\x86\bin

Compile libwebp.dll for in 64 bits (x64)

  1. In the Programs menu, open All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio (version) | VS(version) x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
  2. In the command prompt, go to the folder where you unzipped the files (e.g.: cd c:\Temp\libwebp-0.6.0)
  3. Type nmake /f CFG=release-dynamic RTLIBCFG=dynamic OBJDIR=output
  4. VoilĂ : The file will be compiled under <your folder>\output\release-dynamic\x64\bin

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